Emergency stretcher

Ksh 18,000

Availability: In Stock


An emergency stretcher, also known as a medical cot or ambulance stretcher, is a crucial piece of equipment used to transport injured or incapacitated individuals safely and efficiently in emergency medical situations. These stretchers are designed to provide a stable and supportive platform for patients during transportation, whether it be within a healthcare facility, ambulance, or during rescue operations in the field. Emergency stretchers typically feature a sturdy frame constructed from materials such as aluminum or steel, with a durable fabric or mattress surface to support the patient. They may also include adjustable backrests, side rails, and safety straps to secure the patient in place and prevent further injury during transit. Some stretchers are equipped with collapsible or foldable features for easy storage and maneuverability in tight spaces. Overall, emergency stretchers are essential tools in emergency medical care, enabling healthcare providers and first responders to transport patients safely and effectively while providing necessary medical attention.

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