Hospital ICU bed

Ksh 45,000

Availability: In Stock


Tesla Healthcare's ICU (Intensive Care Unit) bed is a cutting-edge medical device engineered to provide unparalleled care and support for critically ill patients in hospital settings. Crafted with precision and durability in mind, these beds boast a robust frame constructed from high-quality materials, ensuring stability and reliability. Adjustable features such as height, backrest, and leg sections allow for optimal patient positioning and comfort, while advanced electronic controls and monitoring systems enable healthcare providers to easily adjust settings and track vital signs. Tesla Healthcare's ICU beds are equipped with innovative features such as integrated weighing scales, CPR release mechanisms, and side rails to enhance patient safety and facilitate critical medical procedures. With their ergonomic design and advanced technology, Tesla Healthcare's ICU beds set the standard for excellence in critical care, providing patients with the highest level of comfort and support while enabling healthcare professionals to deliver optimal treatment and monitoring.

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