High frequency electrosurgical generator

Ksh 225,000

Availability: In Stock


A high-frequency electrosurgical generator is a sophisticated medical device used in surgical procedures to precisely cut, coagulate, or vaporize tissue using high-frequency electrical current. Operating within the frequency range of 300 kHz to 3.3 MHz, these generators offer efficient tissue heating while minimizing collateral damage to surrounding tissues. Surgeons control the intensity, duration, and mode of energy delivery, allowing for precise tissue manipulation and hemostasis. With various modes such as cut, coagulation, blend, and bipolar, tailored to specific surgical needs, these generators offer versatility and flexibility in the operating room. Advanced safety features, including automatic power adjustment and impedance monitoring, ensure optimal outcomes and reduce the risk of complications. Overall, high-frequency electrosurgical generators play a crucial role in modern surgical practice, facilitating complex procedures with enhanced precision, efficiency, and safety.

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